Candice ProwtingPaddingPaddingClick here to email







About Devon Rex
Our Boy
Our Girls

Champion Merrypurr Forti Miles Purrhour (also known as Polly)

Well, after falling in love with the breed, and having the pleasure of sharing our home with our neutered boy, J.J., we were truly smitten with the breed. But then...

J.J.'s breeder posted a photo of her new additions on Facebook. The tiny babies were newborn, and cuddling up with their Mum, eyes closed and ears folded over, as is the way with newborn kittens. Among these precious bundles I saw a little black and white face. I congratulated Nikki on her new arrivals, and commented how much I loved the little black and white baby. Well, I do have a soft spot for a black and white cat. The rest, as they say, is history!

Polly joined our household as a show/breed queen, and instantly made herself at home. She's very different to J.J. temperament-wise. She has far more energy, and is far more demanding. If I thought J.J. was 'bad'... He doesn't come close!

Polly earned her name because of her love for sitting on shoulders. It's bordering on obsessive sometimes. She has been known to stand at the top of our stairs, and wait until I'm halfway down to leap onto me. She also loves to leap up from the floor into my arms, but fortunately she's never done this without me realising beforehand. Polly is so intelligent, and problem solving is no problem for her!

Due to Covid we had to stop showing for an extended period of time, but at the last show before the country went into lockdown, Polly attained her Champion title, and finally had her first litter of kittens a couple of months before her third birthday. A little later than usual, but Covid made things a little more difficult!

Many thanks to Gem for picking Pollys brother so I could have Polly, and Nikki Howells of Merrypurr Devon Rex for helping make my dream come true again!


Angletwitch Devon Rex

My beautiful girl, before she came and
joined our home, showing her huge
ears and her soft rexed coat.


Angletwitch Agnes Nutter (also known as Agnes)

Agnes, as she is simply called at home, was kept because I was so, so curious about her coat colour. At birth, she was very obviously a black tortie. It was impossible to miss. As she got older, she faded. By 9 weeks she was a very smoke-looking black tortie to me. Thing is, her mother, Polly, is very definitely not a smoke, and her sire wasn't registered as a smoke either! Was the sire hiding his silver inhibitor gene? As he was a cream point, it was always going to be difficult to identify his true colour, but I was certain that's what he was.

We went to a show, and while I was there I asked a few breeders and a judge for their opinions. I think I got a different answer from each person I asked! None of which were that she was a smoke! Well, I had fallen in love with her, so she was staying with us regardless. Perhaps we would find out when she had her first litter.

When she was about 18 months old, she had the honour of going to a gorgeous, stately brown tabby boy. Although the father was registered as a silver tabby, he most definitely was a brown tabby. We were blessed with a wonderfull litter of 5 (as shown on our news page), one being a black smoke. At last we had our answer! She was black tortie smoke after all!


Checking of bags for 'contriband' is her passion!


Angletwitch Amber Petty (also known as Hazel)

Hazel is a character. From early on, I knew she was going to be a handful that I couldn't inflict on anyone else! She has always had an obsession with me, and if I leave the house for any reason she will sit at the door, wailing for me. I'd never have thought that a cat would get separation anxiety, but there you go!

Hazel is extremely naughty. She is well known for doing little 'tricks', such as opening drawers and then opening the tubs with her favourite freeze-dried chicken treats in. Once she's achieved this goal, she won't allow anyone else to share, and scoffs the lot. She is also very inpatient when it comes to treats. In her excitement, she will go to snatch them from your hand with a swift left hook. To combat this, we taught Hazel to sit on command, and she knows that she only gets treats if she sits, and they are withdrawn if she raises a paw. She has learned, and is now very respectful at treat times.

Hazel is so bound to me that she sleeps with me every night. In winter, under the covers. During the summer (when the last thing I need is a living hot water bottle!) she has her own little blanket that I pull over her to keep her warm. She's not spoilt, honest!


Angletwitch Amber Petty
Too hot to be in the cave-bed,
but still wants to be in the cave-bed...

Angletwitch Devon Rex   Angletwitch Devon Rex

The first photo I ever saw of Polly. She was
adorable from the moment she was born.


Anything warm makes a good bed iif you're a Devon Rex!

Angletwitch Devon Rex


Angletwitch Devon Rex

Polly at the Wyvern Cat Club show. A red card day,
topped off with Best of Variety!

  Another red card day and Best of Variety at the
South Western Counties Cat Club show!

Angletwitch Devon Rex   Angletwitch Devon Rex

Fur pillow are very comfortable


But human laps are more comfortabler!

Copyright Angletwitch Devon Rex 2022-2024. All rights reserved.